Queer Marriage—Threat or Menace?

Marriage is in the forefront of media coverage right now as same-sex marriage is being legalized in more and more states.  In New York, like lambs to the slaughter, many same-sex couples were so eager to publicly surrender their self-sovereignty and independence that they entered a lottery to be among the first to be allowed to marry.  While there is a lot of debate about whether expanding the “right” to marry is a good or bad thing, however, no one seems to be asking whether marriage itself, in whatever form it takes, is a good thing or not.  Continue reading

Don’t Ask? Don’t Tell? Don’t Enlist!

One might think from all the hype that some earth-shattering step forward has just taken place for americans who fuck and suck with others of the same sex.  Now they can participate in the murder of people in distant lands without having to lie about whom they have sex with.  And this is something to be striven for and celebrated? Continue reading

Anarchism and Anarcho-Capitalism

In my view anarchism is anything that fits Benjamin Tucker’s definition of anarchism. Benjamin Tucker defined anarchism as “the doctrine that all the affairs of men should be managed by individuals or voluntary associations, and that the State should be abolished.”[i] The requirements of respecting people’s property rights over themselves – self-ownership – as well as other things imply that there are certain things that nobody may justly do to or with those others without permission from those others – the giving of consent – which must be freely given, without fear of punishment or deprivation of enjoyment of one’s rights if such consent is not forthcoming. These strictures imply that relationships between individuals should all be voluntary, uncoerced ones, that individuals are entitled to protect themselves against any that would be otherwise. Continue reading

57 Varieties of Anarchist Thought

The aim of anchorage anarchy has always been to provide an anarchist  perspective that emphasizes the importance of individual freedom.  Without absolute liberty for people to act as they choose, as long as they do not initiate force against others or otherwise limit the equal freedom of others to live as they please, there can be no anarchist society worthy of the name.  Continue reading

An excerpt from Anarchist Individualism as Life and Activity

To say that the anarchist movement embraces several tendencies is not to put forward anything new; it would be surprising if it were otherwise.  Non-political, outside of parties, this movement owes its existence solely to the individual personalities of which it is composed.  Since there is no a priori anarchist programme, since there are only anarchists, it follows that each one of those who call themselves anarchists has his own conception of anarchism…To ask that all anarchists should have similar views on anarchism is to ask the impossible.  Continue reading

Anarchism Without Hyphens

There is only one kind of anarchist.  Not two.  Just one.  An anarchist, the only kind, as defined by the long tradition and literature of the position itself, is a person in opposition to authority imposed through the hierarchical power of the state.  The only expansion of this that seems to me reasonable is to say that an anarchist stands in opposition to any imposed authority.  Continue reading